Awesum, I rated 5 starz. Now where's my kiss?
Awesum, I rated 5 starz. Now where's my kiss?
How do you learn to draw, I've been drawing since infancy yet I am still quite bad at it. You're really good at drawing and you're around my age; do you have any tips? Thank you :D
Aww thank you! >^<
I started digital art a 13 which the same time I started making my Newgrounds Account and also it's 5 years ago. I wasn't good for a few years but I learn some fun tricks which help me this year, the 5th Year of doing Art which is the year I started doing more Pixel Art and Music :)
Usually I'm a visual learner so I tend to use references and also looking at other people's art in order to learn. What makes the style of lines, what kind of shape they use.
Usually I do Vector Art and Pixel since they both very Sculpting instead of drawing lines by hand which makes error and mistake easier to fix.
Very, very ADORABLE!
OMG Thank youuu! >^< Adorable indeed!
You made this?? That's quite impressive, pixel art is not as easy as it seems!
Yeah! It's a long but satisfying process! :D
I really like how you can see Daddy Dearest, observing, in the distance!
ay thanks <3
I used to really want a tamagotchi when I was little, for some reason. This just reminded me of that. :P It looks really great, though, as always!
Thank you so much! ^v^ I want one too. It's cute :3
AVGN!!! I love the angry video game nerd!
Joined on 1/28/24